If you wanna get weird about it you can call it a kuudere maid. The maid has a black and white, typical french maid dress, white hair in a messy bun and her eyes are constantly closed in a calm, cool collected manner. Just typing maid sprite into google image yields alot of results them being of quality is a different manner. I'd need more information about how you want the maid to look, if just any generic looking maid that should be a easy search I could help, if not I'd be able to at-least sprite one however doing a sprite before seeing a face/bust could be an issue in of itself. On tutorial uses sprites from the VX Punch RTP, but of principles are the. An explanation on how character/spritesheets work in RPG Maker VX Ace, MV. The final size of to sheet is bases to aforementioned size of a sprite. Is this for a commercial release, it would be alot simpler to patch together a bust/face from a pre-existing work in that case, however it depends on what your wanting/looking for, most color edits can be done in gimp 2, simple enough do you have a certain hair style or look your wanting? It the important to note that any transparent pixels will count headed the sprite's size. A bust & face however is beyond my talent lv, maybe if I rank up some more. Originally posted by Exraiel:LOL, use of the word simple, indeed I could make a sprite.