Adrian caught up with the game’s maker, a man surely destined for great things, Daniel Coyle, for an insight into this great game and what makes him tick. We played the download to death and justifiably so. Green Hill Paradise Act 2, the video game Sonic 3D made by fans Septem1,248 Video games Platform PS4 Sony PC Xbox One Computer Nintendo Microsoft Film & TV Steam Nintendo Switch New 3DS Square-Enix PS4 Pro Blizzard iOS Android Wii U Overwatch Mobile devices Video Games website Film and TV Opinion Pokemon go. by arcadeattack Green Hill Paradise Act 2 is probably (and we’re happy to be proved wrong) the best Sonic fangame ever. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Green Hill Paradise Act 2 Final Mix Demo. Fangame Leaderboard Guides Resources Streams Forum Statistics Sub-games.

Green Hill Paradise Act 2: Final Mix Sonic Fan Games series. 0:00 / 3:50 Green Hill Paradise - Act 2: RELEASE TRAILER SuperSonic68 70.1K subscribers Subscribe 3.7K 309K views 6 years ago It has been a long and difficult journey, but we stand here.