It is played with four colored pieces called pawns. Each quadrant has a start and a home space. It is played on a square board with four quadrants. It is a board game that can be played by two to four people. Players will absolutely love visual experience. The animations of Ludo King download for PC are smooth and fluid, and overall look and feel of game are very polished. The colors are bright and vibrant, and game board and pieces are well-designed and look great. It has impressive graphics that make extremely enjoyable to play. And with various modes, there’s plenty of replayability value. The Ludo King game download is also great for multiplayer, both locally and online. With lively graphics and simple action, it's simple to pick up and play. Being the first player to get all of their pawns across the finish line is the object of the game. It is played between two to four players, with each player having four pawns that they must move around board. Ludo King is a mobile game that takes classic board game and modernizes it for a new audience.