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She is thrilled to know the world, a beautiful world with castles and princesses! But the evil witch Gothel is coming and Rapunzel must be strong and never give up, she dreams to be free. With the comb in her hands, Rapunzel gets out of the castle where she was being held captive. Rapunzel’s life is about to change one day, along with her best friends, when she discovers a beautiful comb that has something written on it: a message from her parents. But Gothel disapproves Rapunzel’s hobbies. Rapunzel is a prisoner and she only has her two best friends: a bunny and baby dragon, they always encourage Rapunzel to do what she loves the most: to paint. Rapunzel is a young lady with long beautiful hair, who lives locked inside a castle by a wicked witch named Gothel. This beautiful movie will touch deep into your heart and you’ll know the story of this girl named Rapunzel.